Four Ways to Celebrate Women in the Inland Empire

Women’s History Month is a celebration of women both past and present. We’re sure you know plenty of women who deserve recognition, not just in March, but everyday. Instead of putting a timeframe on it, let March be the month of planning. Here are a few recommendations for celebrating women beyond the month of March:

Support Woman-Owned Businesses

As a woman-operated business, we know that there are plenty of women entrepreneurs within your own community that could use your support. Small gestures that support their business can go a long way. A few ways to show your support include making a purchase, sharing a business’ social platforms with your peers or even making the effort to learn more about the women in charge. Here are a few woman-owned and operated businesses you can support in the Inland Empire if you’re looking to expand on your home and apparel accessories, amplify your skin care organically or even join a community of women in fitness:

Celebrate Women in the Workplace

Another way to celebrate women is to promote a better gender balance in the workplace. Only 11.3% of landscape contractors in the United States are women. While we are proud to be part of this 11.3%, it is unfortunate that this is what representation looks like across many industries, not just landscaping. Ways to make women feel more welcome within spaces they don’t often occupy is to give more opportunities or work assignments to women, create resource groups and provide mentorship. When women see other women in positions of leadership, it encourages more women to strive for the same. Women are looking for opportunities to succeed and it is our collective responsibility to make those opportunities available. If you are looking for a resource within the landscaping industry, the Women in Landscape Network is a great place to start. 

Create Awareness

Understanding the climate that women live in is imperative to their overall progression in society. There are plenty of opportunities to be more engaged, aware and educated on the issues that women still face on a daily basis. There are various podcasts or books that are women led and focused that will broaden your perspective. Podcasts are a great way to hear conversations about an array of topics you might not ordinarily come in contact with. Also, there are various books that are impactful for women of all backgrounds:

Encourage Women in Politics

Representation for women in politics is growing, but still not where it should be. Together we can create a heightened sense of urgency towards electing women in congress. A good way to be involved in this progress is to research your local city council to find out who is running for elected office. This could be an opportunity for you to support a woman candidate whose goals align with your own. Here are a few women who hold leadership roles in politics in the Inland Empire:

  • Patricia Lock Dawson (Mayor) – Riverside, CA
  • Deborah Robertson (Mayor) – Rialto, CA
  • Aquanetta Warren (Mayor) – Fontana, CA

In Closing

In the last two years we’ve seen many changes within our economy. For us to successfully progress as a country, women need to be more supported. Women need to be supported every day, not just on Mother’s Day or International Women’s Day. Celebrating women in the month of march is indeed okay, but it must go beyond just this month. The best part about being able to have March as the month of celebration is the fact that it’s a constant reminder of what we should do more often throughout the year. 

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